In this manual, it is not intended to list all the Kremlin Agents. The task is to show the algorithm: How the Agents of the Kremlin function.
Kremlin agents function only according to the tasks set by the Kremlin for a global goal, this is the protection of the Kremlin from The Hague, with the help of the murders of all educated people who can interfere with the Kremlin-Propaganda process and zombie the Russian population, to create zombie killers from impoverished Russians for denazification and justification genocide in neighboring developing countries.
In this article you will see:
How easy it is to identify the criminal stance of the Kremlin, which is kept in their heads by Kremlin Agents of all sorts. Without the Kremlin’s position, the Kremlin’s Agents do not function a priori, this is their main task, to create an information field in which your brain will become infected with the Kremlin’s position.
After reading this article:
Kremlin agents will no longer be able to deceive you, lie to you and use the “Speak in reverse” and “Throw different versions” techniques against you. Because your “attention” as your intellectual weapon will be directed at their already losing position: Putin is not a murderer, and all countries are to blame, except the Kremlin.
Position – must be kept in our “attention” in order to calculate, identify, and then disarm the Kremlin Agent:
- The position of the Kremlin
- Kremlin Agent Technique “Talk back”
- The Kremlin Agent Technique “Drawing Different Versions”
Kremlin agents, very simple and ordinary, corrupt people with a small letter, these are not “ninja agents 007 from the James Bond movie” who save the world, they are small controlled parasites who are also held hostage by the Kremlin, like famous people in Russia, because otherwise they will be put on a bottle.
Now that we are armed with knowledge, we are testing “our attention” in practice, let’s go through the video facts, more on that later.
Kremlin agents from Russia are divided into groups:
- Internal in power (In Russia)
- Internal media (In Russia)
- Internal hidden killers (In Russia)
- Internal media (In Ukraine)
- External in power (In Ukraine)
- External media (In Ukraine)
- External hidden killers (In Ukraine)
Kremlin agent: Boyko: From the group “Outsiders in Power (In Ukraine)”
Boyko, captured on video with his pro-Kremlin accomplices, who over the years, prepared the ground and precedents for the occupation of Ukraine and the genocide of Ukrainians – His Kremlin propaganda.
- Unblocked himself as an Agent of the Kremlin, live.
- He declared his real Kremlin position: he says that Putin is not a murderer.
In this video: You can clearly see how he uses the technique of the Kremlin Agents “Speak to the back”.
- Believes in the offensive of Russia to Ukraine.
- All embassies are being taken out of Ukraine – True.
- Boyko will defend Russia.
- Boyko recognizes the DPR and LPR that this is Russia.
- From the date of publication of the video, 6 years+ ago he slandered Ukraine and incited hatred towards Ukrainians.
- He says that there are only bandits in Kyiv.
In this video: You can clearly see how he uses the technique of the Kremlin Agents “Speak to the back”.
The position of the Kremlin is clearly visible, it is “External enemies are to blame, but Russia is not.
- Says the US wants Ukraine to be attacked by Russia.
- He says that Russia will attack Ukraine in order to divert the attention of Russians from internal problems in Russia.
- He calls to give Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk to Russia, for this it is necessary to fulfill all the points of the Minsk agreements.
- Calls for Russia to amend the constitution of Ukraine and this will not harm the integrity of Ukraine.
- He says it’s okay when Russia put his separatist army around all of Ukraine for blackmail, to scare the Ukrainians and take over Ukraine without a fight, says that Ukraine needs to remove the troops otherwise there will be a war.
- He says that it is necessary that immigrants from Russia be able to vote in the LNR and DNR, because it is good for Russia.
- He says that Ukraine should give Lugansk and Donetsk, to recognize the LNR and the DNR.
Back in 2016, Lyashko knew that Boyko was an Agent of the Kremlin.
Kremlin agent: Shevchenko: From the group “Outsiders in Power (In Ukraine)”
Live, Belarusian journalist exposes Kremlin Agent Shevchenko
Kremlin agent Shevchenko on the Kremlin TV channels at home.
In this video: You can clearly see how he uses the technique of the Kremlin Agents “Speak to the back”.
- On the Kremlin TV channel, he says that the Putler faction is doing everything so that the conflict in Donbas is not resolved peacefully – the Kremlin is doing everything for this.
- He says that Putler threw in the Steinmeier Formula, this is when Lugansk and Donetsk are renamed into the LPR and DPR to seize the territories of Ukraine – the formula was thrown in by the Nazis, this policy consists in enmity and inciting hatred of Russians against Ukrainians, because it is beneficial to Putler.
- He says live that Ukraine is fascists.
- The position of the Kremlin Agent: that Ukraine be completely under the control of the Kremlin and Putler.
Kremlin agent Shevchenko, while escaping from Ukraine, was caught on the border with Poland.
Everyone has long known that the Kremlin Agent Shevchenko is a corrupt Kremlin Propagandist
- He says that when another Russian people comes to power in Ukraine, then American nationalism will die and there will be Russian nationalism.
- He says that Russian agents have been doing reconnaissance in Ukraine for a long time to capture Ukraine.
Kremlin agent Shevchenko demonstrates how to create informational occasions that he will go to visit his Putin and Lukashenka.
How the Kremlin Agent infiltrated Ukraine
You can easily, on topics “known” to you, notice how this “speak backwards” technique is applied.
The Kremlin agent himself confessed (recorded on video):
- He says that he must propagate the position of the Kremlin, defend the strategic interest of Russia.
- He says that he should participate in the Kremlin-Propaganda within Ukraine and beyond its borders in all media.
- He says that the position of democracy, the one that the previous government left us, we comment incorrectly and do not support.
- He says that when promoting, you need to take everything out of context, as the media in the Russian Federation do.
- He says that Ukraine should stop speaking from a position of strength, with Russia and switch to an unequal dialogue.
- He says that he must defend the positions of the Kremlin and its ideology in the information field.
- He says that his main message is that the zombies in the Russian Federation, people in Europe, people in America see that Ukraine is compromising, surrendering its interests and territories.
- He says that he defends the positions of the Kremlin within the framework of Putler’s ideology, period.
- He says that his task, after being introduced into the “servant of the people”, is to lead the Kremlin-Propaganda under the “servant to the people” faction until he is imprisoned.
- He says that if they want to punish him, then let them punish him together with Putler.
- He says that his position is the same as that of Putler.
- He says that negotiations and consensus with Putler are fake. Only war.
- He says that if Ukraine does not compromise, surrender its interests in territorial integrity, then there will be war, sacrifices and bloodshed.
- He says that he does all this, it all happens, because he has such a position – he explained.
- He says that the Russians cut everything out of context, twist it, deceive it – this cannot be tolerated, this lie.
- He says that the Ukrainian people recommended him to stop carrying propaganda to the Kremlin.
- He says that there are certain Russian media that you can go to, these are News One, 112 and Zik, because it’s not possible to carry the Kremlin Propaganda everywhere.
- He says that any Russian media can carry out propaganda in Russia.
Kremlin agent Shevchenko – sings for a cockroach in Belarus
Kremlin agent: Yanukovych: From the group “Outsiders in Power (In Ukraine)”
Kremlin agent Yanukovych, I do not pay attention to skills and knowledge, I can simply say that he knows the Ukrainian language and can read.
Kremlin agent: Kovalev: From the group “Internal Media (In Russia)”
In this video: You can clearly see how he uses the Kremlin Agent’s “Throw different versions” technique.
In this video: You can clearly see how he uses the technique of the Kremlin Agents “Speak to the back”.
- Operates with history (I would still remember dinosaurs).
- He says that there are fascists in Ukraine.
- He says that grandparents are beaten in Ukraine.
- He says that there are Banderists in Ukraine.
- He does not say that Putin is a dick.
- He does not say that Putin is a murderer.
- He says that it was necessary to attack Ukraine on a large scale back in 2014, and not in 2022.
- He says that the agents of the Russian Federation at the head of Putler pissed off the budget for Kremlin propaganda and now it will not work to make a genocide in Ukraine.
- He says that all countries of the world and the United States in the first place are to blame.
- He says that nuclear weapons are being created in Ukraine.
- He says that Berkut in 2014 could have destroyed everyone who was at the revolution in Ukraine.
- He says that there are Ukrainian bots, not Kremlin bots.
- He says that in Ukraine they walk the streets with swastikas and torture people in basements.
- He says that America is fascists, Germany is fascists, Syria is fascists – all fascists will go to Ukraine.
- He says that when he was in Ukraine, he would have been like a “fat crucian” for the SBU, if they had recognized him, everything would have ended sadly.
- He says that his guys, when he was in Ukraine, they would have shot everyone in a minute, but his guards were not with him at that time, when he was in Ukraine.
- He says that in the Donbass they created an alley where children are buried, but not in Kyiv.
- He says that no one imposes sanctions against Ukraine – he wants to impose sanctions against Ukraine and everything that can be banned.
- He says that people really do not know everything, so Kovalev pours Kremlin propaganda into his ears.
- Says he supports the war in Ukraine.
- He says that he supports Putler.
- He says that you can’t say: “Putin is a dick, Putin is a murderer, etc.
- He says that around Ukraine, a grouping of 150,000 Russian terrorists was created and diplomatic escort was being prepared – as in the 2008 Georgia scenario.
- He says that Russian terrorists stopped in Georgia in 2008, but now in 2022 they will not stop in Ukraine.
- He says that in the Russian Federation, 90% of the Kremlin bot commentators are working on the information war against Ukraine.
- He says that the Kremlin bots in the Russian Federation are boys 18-20 years old.
- He says that he is the best and only cool Kremlin propagandist, and everyone else took the loot and dumped.
- He says that on TV for zombies, they show only excerpts from the context for zombies in the Russian Federation – what is actually happening in Ukraine.
- He says that in Ukraine now, this is a military special operation of the Russian Federation to eliminate the Nazis, and not a war.
- He says that the war is like in Grozny – when there was a genocide of the Chechens – when the cities were wiped off the face of the earth.
- Say that you support the bombing of infrastructure in Ukraine.
- He says that he supports the Russian army so that they hide behind civilians.
- He says that the Russian Federation will not create any humanitarian corridors – in order for them to take humanitarian aid, only from the Russian Federation.
- He says that there are Pravoseks in kindergartens and schools in Ukraine.
- He says that the Ukrainians mock the prisoners, and the videos are fakes when they call their mothers.
- He says that the occupiers of the Russian Federation have never mocked prisoners.
- He says that he is brainwashing according to the training manuals and in the Russian Federation, before our eyes, people have changed into zombies.
- He says that everything that is shown in Ukraine on TV is not true, because the separatists of the Russian Federation are polite people.
- He says that say Glory to Ukraine, this is a crime.
- He says that those who capture and fight in Ukraine are the heroes of Russia.
- Kovalev, is trying to cheer up the separatists of the Russian Federation: he uses glory about valor, heroes, etc.
- He says, according to the manual of the Kremlin: that the grandfathers fought in 1939 against the Nazis and now they are fighting against Ukraine as against the Nazis.
- He says that in Ukraine there are Bandera seeds and SS veterans.
- He says that in 2011 Yanukovych beat veterans in Lvov and opened the bellies of pregnant women and sewed up a cat there.
- He says that the Bandera people are grandparents, their sons and daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, against whom the separatists of the Russian Federation are now liberating Ukraine.
- He says that the Kremlin-propaganda needs to be preserved, continued, what has been zombified in the Russian Federation for more than 30 years +.
- He says that the living shield, from The Hague for the Kremlin, is Ukraine.
- He says that the Russian Federation cannot destroy all of Ukraine under 0, otherwise there will be no human shield from The Hague for the Kremlin.
- He says that it is necessary to save the Kremlin, because the Russian Federation, these are the Nazis – where he is now.
- He says that he never criticized Putin and did not talk about his mistakes.
- He says that it is bad that all the info-gypsies took the flags of Ukraine in their hands, quickly changed and became “for peace with Ukraine.”
- He says that in Russia everything will only get worse.
- He says that the Kremlin in Russia considers people to be idiots.
- He says that the Kremlin, like idiots, created a bunch of rules and laws against the Russians.
- He says that he is not an analyst, but Ukraine before the war was better in all economic parameters than Russia.
- He says that the owner and creator of “Dodo Pizza” is for peace with Ukraine and against war and occupation, it’s bad that all smart people are for Ukraine.
- Says the Kremlin is planning a bad peace in Ukraine than a good war.
- He says that his life has developed this way, surrounded by athletes and a lot of bad people and different.
- He says that Crimea is ours, Donetsk is ours, Germany is ours, Ukraine is ours, England is ours – the appetites of the Kremlin for 30+ years.
- He says that the Kremlin will remove the Ukrainian army to 0, this is the first main requirement of the Kremlin, the second requirement is the absence of NATO.
- He says that the task of the Kremlin is to make Novorossia out of Ukraine and divide it into parts of Little Russia.
- He says that no one from Russia launched rockets at Kharkov and bombed houses.
- He says that Zelensky’s rating is not real, but Putler’s is real.
- He says that Putler failed to make a small victorious war – they crap.
- He says that Putler is very offended by Ukraine for “Putin is fucked up”, so he will kill Ukrainians, just like Nemtsov for “Vladimir Putin is fucked up.”
- He says that it is bad when people in Russia are not united and not friendly, but in Ukraine they are all together like cement, which I break – this is the failure of the Kremlin propaganda agents.
- He says that there is a failure of the Kremlin propaganda against famous people in Russia, they all leave and say that they do not want to fight with Ukraine.
- He says that there is a failure of the Kremlin propaganda 5000 were detained yesterday in Russia at rallies of those who do not want to fight against Ukraine.
- He says that in Russia the Kremlin is preparing Ukrainian terrorists who will blow up residential buildings, as in the scenario for the war with Chechnya.
- He says that America, Europe, France, Germany are in the mud and they are not beautiful.
- He says that in Russia, the Russians are afraid of the Chechens and look at them with a scythe, because they don’t like them – this is the work of the Kremlin propaganda.
- He says that the Kremlin-propaganda will create conditions and habits for the Russians, so that in 10+ years they will look at the Ukrainians, also like the Chechens.
- He says that in a situation where the whole world does not want to work with Russia, then people in Russia wake up and can go against the Kremlin, because they are not busy with work and they have nowhere to put their attention, focus, and it is very difficult to distract them.
- He says that the task of Kovalev is to prevent the collapse of the Kremlin, it is necessary to unite entrepreneurs, people who own businesses and have staff subordinate to them, this is much more effective in spreading Kremlin propaganda, even than on Solovyov’s TV.
- He says that more bonds need to be introduced, more hatred towards Ukrainians within the community of entrepreneurs and business owners.
- He says that his task is to unite entrepreneurs and business owners of one idea, to make Russia number one, and to make neighboring countries worse in all respects.
- He says that once there were peasants, there was Lenin, and he realized that business needed freedom – but Putler did not understand this, therefore the war.
- He says that Li Kwan Yu, Deng Xiaoping – Putler needs to take an example from them, and not from Hitler.
- He says that Russia’s reserves will be enough for 5 years, so you can fight – but this is the maximum.
- He says that the sanctions are serious and a disaster for Russia.
- He says that without Belarus, the Kremlin would have already collapsed.
- He says that if the whole world implements a full package of sanctions, then the Kremlin and Putler will be finished.
- He says that it is necessary to release entrepreneurs from prisons.
- He says that in 2 months they will overthrow Putler.
- He says that when Putler is overthrown, he will create the “Headquarters of the Fatherland”, which will effectively continue propaganda without the Kremlin.
- He says that when Putler is overthrown, then there will be not governors in the cities, but Commissars – so as not to lose all the labels embedded in the heads of the Russians.
- He says that when Petler is overthrown, then everyone will obey not laws, but orders – for not following orders, they will be shot.
- He says that we do not need the countries of Europe and the USA, we will build Russia with undeveloped countries.
- He says that Russia will not hold out in the near future, if taxes are not removed in the country, there will definitely be an end.
- He says that 100,000 entrepreneurs have already joined the Association of Entrepreneurs.
- He says that he will create his own platform for communication and for business in general.
- He says that if it is not possible to unite entrepreneurs, then this means that no one will lend a shoulder to Putler and they will not help him – yes, Putler made many mistakes and continues to do so, but still we must be for our king.
- He says that he wants to be a powerful organizer in the Putler team, and the Putler team that is now in power should be replaced.
- He says that today a new Russia and Novorossiya is being born, he dreamed about this for many years.
- He says that he is afraid of Ukrainian commentators and calls them bots, so they need to be blocked wherever possible.
- He says that we do not stop supplying gas to Ukraine and Europe, not because we are kind, but because Russia will end without money.
- He says that he will make Russia number 1 in the world, for this it is necessary not to stifle business as it was all the time.
- The guest says that he understands the Putler regime: the change of power does not lead to anything, for more than 30 years + there has been brainwashing with propaganda of the Russian population and the creation of zombies based on braces and fascism, hatred for developed countries, for the United States in Russia, they will continue to work, these habits, desires and hatred for the Chechens and Ukrainians will not disappear.
- He says that it is important to continue to pour money into power and law enforcement agencies in Russia so that they all buy into ties, inciting hatred both inside and outside the country, violence and control of objectionable Russians, fascism and zombification of the Russian population.
- He says that it is necessary to fight against petty corruption, and not against big corruption – a trick to divert the attention of Russians.
- He says that in Ukraine it is necessary to destroy and turn off everything so that people cannot live and only then occupy. Therefore, the community of entrepreneurs Kovalev must seize Ukraine so that there is no talk.
- He says that everyone who is against Putler is a schmuck. He says that now we will not allow Putler’s mistake, we will make a strong association of fascist entrepreneurs with paper clips from our grandfathers in 1939 and will continue to more effectively liberate countries from fascists all over the world. The Russians will not even notice how they become traitors and fascists.
- He says that when there are about 1,000,000 entrepreneurs, those who are for Putler, then Kovalev will go to see the fascist Tsar.
These heaps of rubbish that the Kremlin creates are kept in the minds of people through the Agents of the Kremlin, the Kremlin Propagonists.
Therefore, only the position is important, knowing the position of the Kremlin, you can break any Kremlin Propaganda, any lies, any falsehood, any Kremlin Zombie, any Kremlin Bot, any RF Agent, any Orc Terrorist.
You only need to know the position: Is he set against all the countries of the world or not?
To make it easier for us to analyze the data received, from Mr. Kovalev:
- We take everything, 100 points that we collected from Kovalev.
- Decide on a theme.
- We define frequently occurring words: Putin, Power, Fascists, Bandera, Ukraine, Special operation, War, Kremlin, Bots, Bonds, Enemies, Countries, Sanctions, History.
We highlight the meanings:
a) Russia is doing a special operation, this is not a war, because war is the destruction of all people in 0 like in Chechnya.
b) Sanctions from all countries for Russia, this is not because of the war with Ukraine
c) Putin cannot be called bad words, even if he makes many mistakes.
d) Agents of the Russian Federation blew the entire budget for the Kremlin-propaganda and for inciting hatred in Ukraine.
e) A new kremlin needs to be created, with the old braces from 1939, and planted in the minds of entrepreneurs in Russia so that kremlin-propaganda lives on forever.
f) Let’s repeat again, Crimea is ours, Lugansk is ours, Donetsk is ours, Ukraine is ours, Germany is ours, America is ours, Europe is ours.
Well, now we have already received and parsed enough data to compare frequently occurring words and meanings at the last current step.
Then, for accuracy, we compare the same data obtained by us with what other Agents of the Russian Federation, Kremlin-Bots, Kremlin-Zombies say – these carriers of the Kremlin-Virus, Kremlin-propaganda.
Kremlin agents: From the group “Internal Media (In Russia)”
Kremlin agents: From the group “Internal Media (In Ukraine)”
Kremlin Agents: Inside Hidden Assassins (In Russia)
Kremlin Agents: Outside Covert Assassins (In Europe)
How Kremlin Agents Work: Summary
The position of the Kremlin, with its braces from 1939, at first glance seems very convenient for the cattle and their puppeteers, because today, for the popularization of this criminal position of the Kremlin-propaganda for zombifying the cattle of Russia, they pay money to protect the murderers in the Kremlin. It is beneficial for them that there are ready-made clubs, trained for years by law enforcement agencies for the quick or slow killing of objectionable educated people. Thanks to all the defenders of the Kremlin and lovers of the “old bald hoarse rat” Putler, there are a lot of poor and uneducated people in Russia who are being turned into orcs – this artificial Kremlin Virus.
Russian zombies multiply this mental virus of the Kremlin, and puppeteers introduce this virus, through all available sources of information, this has been happening for 30+ years, thanks to this, they develop habits among the population and turn them into material that is suitable only for use as cannon fodder and to turn people into sufferers who think that the consequences will not affect them, after that, they are pleased to be criminals, to do nothing, to pretend that they do not notice anything – there is already a war with Ukraine, where Russian Orcs are dying.
The Kremlin, has created and continues to create people in Russia who tolerate violence against themselves and others.
They may fantasize that the Mafia is cool, like Al Capone or the Terrorists, it’s cool like Counter-Strike or ISIS, that it’s cool because civilians are afraid of them.
But that’s all in the past:
Mafias exist in undeveloped countries, in the past “Al Capone” was in the 1930s.
Terrorists in Counter-Strike die and resurrect for a new game, but not in Ukraine.
ISIS does not contain educated and kind people in its ranks, not one scientist and educated person in the world does not support them.
Zombies and their puppeteers can even play a role or hide behind the braces of Hitler from 1939, seize the territories of neighboring countries. To lie, introducing reality into the heads of people from the Middle Ages, up to the dinosaurs. But please note that this is all in the past, we know all this from films, this is not a bright and kind reality to which one should strive.
Reality is different 2022:
Films about the war of 1939, about the mafia, comedies, etc., people watch without explosions being heard on the streets of their city. People, before going to the cinema, can go to McDonald’s or KFC to watch a movie, they can buy popcorn with Coca-Cola or Pepsi. After visiting the cinema, people can buy Adidas, Nike, Puma, Asos and other things in the mall.
Russian cattle, uneducated, poor, brainwashed, with orcish habits, bring people closer to their standard of living and development. The Kremlin and Putler can control only undeveloped people who have no resources – the orcs.
Pursue, take hostages and intimidate – tools that allow you to keep the criminal power in Russia.
I will not name the number of developed countries and educated people in the world who support Ukraine. I’ll just say that Elon Musk allocated satellites in space for Ukraine, so that in the event of a communication breakdown, Starlink could be used to protect against Russian military aggression.